
Global Marketing Management Update

14 April 2021

Welcome to the April edition of TrinityP3’s e-news

The Climate Crisis feels like it has been around for decades. And it has. Global Warming, Climate Change and now, the Climate Crisis are just a few of the names it has gone by. And while the majority of people believe it poses an existential threat to humanity, the problem for many is what positive actions can we practically take to make a difference.

We believe in the power of marketing, media, communications and advertising to make a profound difference to society, the economy and to individuals in so many ways. It was this belief that had us declare for the climate to commit ourselves and our company to work towards a safe climate with Comms Declare.

But it is also why we partnered with the Gaia Partnership back in 2007, when they commenced the development of the CO2 Counter to measure carbon and more broadly, GHG emissions for all aspects of the marketing supply chain including production, media and advertising.

This week we want to share some of the ways we are involved in the mission to achieve Zero Net emissions for marketing globally. From the work through TrinityP3 UK on measuring media GHG emissions to our involvement in Comms Declare and the changes we have made to our Agency Register so we can better represent those agencies who are taking action on environmental sustainability and equality.

There is also an opportunity for you to get involved too. Because each small action in a profession as powerful as marketing and communications can have a huge impact globally.

Addressing the Carbon Impact of the Media Industry

The UK advertising industry put its head firmly above the parapet in 2020 and committed itself to reduce its carbon footprint. Two key initiatives are: the development of a media carbon calculator; and the setting up of a media owner sustainability showcase. Good intentions need to turn into rapid results – what are the factors that the industry should be considering?

Climate change is big news globally, affecting everybody and impacting on every industry and business. It has grown in importance and profile over the last year, not in the least due to the rise of the Climate Extinction movement and its high-profile leadership, but also due to an increasing focus on the wellbeing of the world during the COVID-19 crisis.

Our own experience is that the most effective route to carbon contribution reduction in the media industry is through the reduction of waste in media plans. This can best be achieved through the better use of data. For instance, using opt-ins for electronic and printed communication so fewer individual messages are sent out. And better targeting of the use of digital and printed media so that impressions are not wasted on audiences with no interest in seeing them. Read more on this here .

Measure your marketing GHG emissions

Wondering what are the GHG emissions of any part of your marketing supply-chain? Using the CO2 Counter, we can assess your current emission levels to identify where you best focus your Zero Net efforts.

Find out how here

Ways you could be greenwashing

You know those times when you really want to do the right thing but you have that creeping feeling that maybe, you’re not?

Or when you’re writing a piece of copy for a client and you really want to show what a great job they’re doing, but you worry they may be part of the problem?

Most of us know that global warming is affecting us now and we need to reach zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 at the very latest.

But the nitty-gritty of navigating marketing and communications in a way that supports the transformation can be really complicated.

Here is help on knowing the right thing to do.

Time to join Communicators Declare

Are you a communications, media, marketing or advertising professional? Declare you will work towards a safe climate


Time to champion your agency environmental and equality credentials

The issues around diversity, inclusion, environmental sustainability and ethical and responsible corporate behaviour, which have been fermenting and rising for more than a decade, broke through as people were confronted by the threat and impact of a global pandemic.

Many took the opportunity to highlight these concerns, and we took it upon ourselves to do the same and find ways of supporting these global trends for equality, sustainability and inclusion, because we believe in the power of advertising and marketing to lead by example.

As pitch consultants, we advise and recommend the agencies and marketing suppliers that best suit our clients’ needs. To do this, we have an online database called the Agency Register. These details include management and key staff, capabilities, clients, awards, work and more. You can find a more complete explanation of the Agency Register here.

Or update your agency profile on your environmental and equality actions here .

What’s Hot

Here are the most read, most shared and most commented on articles from the TrinityP3 blog in the past month: