We have written extensively about developing a scope of work for media, creative and digital agencies. This is because a scope of work is essential for calculating agency fees during a pitch or tender process. It can be used to calculate and set agency fees for the year ahead. Or it can be used as part of a budgeting process.
There are often challenges with developing a scope of work. Many marketers mistake a scope of agency services as the scope of work
. But a scope of work is specific and quantifiable. Others do not want to have to commit to the work required upfront. Yet a good scope of work allows you to track and reconcile changes while maintaining value.
No matter what the challenges, the fact is that it is only with a scope of work that you can determine and manage the value your agency produces. This is because value is found not in the number of agency staff you are paying for, but in the work that they deliver. This is called productivity. Measuring and improving productivity with your agency is the key to increasing value.
Therefore, we have developed this guide to developing scopes of work. It addresses the benefits and opportunities in overcoming the biggest challenges of scopes of work and shows you how the process can be used to improve and optimise value in your agency engagements.
If you are interested in knowing more on the discipline of scope of work management there is more to read here