
Global Marketing Management Update

1 September 2021

Welcome to the September edition of TrinityP3’s e-news

We have written extensively about developing a scope of work for media, creative and digital agencies. This is because a scope of work is essential for calculating agency fees during a pitch or tender process. It can be used to calculate and set agency fees for the year ahead. Or it can be used as part of a budgeting process.

There are often challenges with developing a scope of work. Many marketers mistake a scope of agency services as the scope of work . But a scope of work is specific and quantifiable. Others do not want to have to commit to the work required upfront. Yet a good scope of work allows you to track and reconcile changes while maintaining value.

No matter what the challenges, the fact is that it is only with a scope of work that you can determine and manage the value your agency produces. This is because value is found not in the number of agency staff you are paying for, but in the work that they deliver. This is called productivity. Measuring and improving productivity with your agency is the key to increasing value.

Therefore, we have developed this guide to developing scopes of work. It addresses the benefits and opportunities in overcoming the biggest challenges of scopes of work and shows you how the process can be used to improve and optimise value in your agency engagements.

If you are interested in knowing more on the discipline of scope of work management there is more to read here .

Defining an agency scope of work to deliver increased value

Managing the scope of work for your agency is possibly the easiest and fastest way to increase the buying power of your marketing budget by removing duplication and uncertainty as much as possible from what your agency does. In this way you can get more for your agency budget without simply driving down the rates and prices.

But why is specificity so important? As anyone who is involved in manufacturing, construction or technology knows, by clearly defining and specifying the actual requirements upfront you are better able to plan and execute the construction/manufacturing process efficiently and effectively. Read more here .

The Definitive Guide to Agency Scope of Work

A must-read for marketers, agencies and procurement. It is free and

available for download here

Why you need a scope of work for your agency

The concept of a scope of work can be foreign to some marketers, considering that since the global recession a decade ago agencies have been willing to discount their fees and take on additional work at no extra cost, simply to maintain the client relationship.

This encourages the client to be like the proverbial “pig at the trough”, as they can eat as much agency resource as they like for the cost of the agency retainer. But the fact is that agencies are businesses that need to make a profit to survive, and so in these circumstances agencies will find ways to increase revenue and maintain that profit. We explain here how a scope of work can overcome this.

The Definitive Guide to Agency Selection

A must read for marketers, agencies, and procurement. It is free and

available for download here

Common mistakes made with setting a scope of work

Managing agency scope of work is essential not only for determining agency fees but also for managing productivity and agency performance. For something that is so essential to the effective management of the advertising process, it is often either overlooked because it is difficult or it is undertaken poorly, leading to a less than optimal outcome and disappointment with the methodology.

While we have spent the last two decades developing and refining a highly accurate way to calculate the agency resources and associated costs to deliver any combination of advertiser scope of work anywhere in the world, we are often disappointed at the way scopes of work are defined. We review some of the more common mistakes incurred when tasked with developing a scope of work for a brand or product by an advertiser here .

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