“Growing Your Independent Agency in Challenging Times – And Beyond” with Susan Werkner and Peter Applebaum, The Agency Accelerators
Online Workshop – Wednesday 29th April 12 pm AEST
What’s the biggest opportunity for independent agencies and marketing consultancies during these times of stress and uncertainty? To get corporate clients.
But why don’t the vast majority of independent agencies and consultancies ever get to experience the many benefits of landing and working with corporate clients?
They either don’t think they can; or they don’t know how they can.
No longer.
Susan Werkner and Peter Applebaum from The Agency Accelerators have many years’ experience landing corporate clients like Telstra, Commonwealth Bank, American Express, Unilever and Pfizer for their own independent agencies and for others.
Join us for a free 1-hour online workshop titled ‘Growing Your Independent Agency in Challenging Times – and Beyond’ and learn how your independent agency can multiply your growth with those larger corporate projects and budgets.
Reserve your place here
to get your exclusive access code.