
UK Marketing Management Update

19 August 2020

Welcome to the August edition of TrinityP3’s UK e-news

This week’s guest editor is Jeremy Taylor, Managing Director of TrinityP3 in London. He takes a global view of the marketing management consultancy business with a UK-centric stance.

The UK office of TrinityP3 is a great place to view the global market. Many of our clients are multi-national, and the original brief may come from any one of the markets we operate in. But it’s surprising how often the issues we deal with are common to all markets.

A trend I have noticed working with TrinityP3 is how original thinking in marketing management (and indeed in marketing strategy) comes from all parts of the world. It is by no means true that the majority of original thinking and activity originates in the USA as many would believe, nor that it comes from the UK as many here like to think. Some of the most innovative briefs and solutions that I see in the business come from fast-moving environments in markets like Asia and the Pacific – it’s a lesson that many UK and European business leaders would do well to take note of.

My own career prior to TrinityP3 was spent mainly in the agency world, with senior agency management roles to CEO level in the global networks and as an independent business owner. I’ve also worked as a marketing consultant with some of the UK’s biggest brands, so I have a good rounded view of the marketing business and the briefs that the TrinityP3 team responds to as world-leading experts in managing the process of marketing.

In common with all my colleagues in TrinityP3, my enthusiasm for marketing as a business discipline remains as bright as ever. Marketing is the biggest contributor to business growth, and is the conduit that connects the business to the customer. It’s TrinityP3’s mission to help marketing work to its greatest efficiency, and to maximise its unique ability to innovate and to grow the whole business. I’m a life-long fan of marketing and its many facets, and my choice of articles here might help to explain why.

Can the global agency networks convince you with their own stories?

Most marketing people in London will tell you that this is the home of the greatest advertising in the world. On the other hand, most marketing people in the USA will tell you that theirs is the historic and present home of the same thing. These views can’t both be true; but what is certainly true is that the global networks have a need to persuade their clients that they offer the best solution across multiple markets.

TrinityP3 was invited by AdForum to attend a series of webinars in July 2020 in which each of the major agency networks was given an hour to sell the benefits of their distinctive approach to the business. The audience for each webinar was a hard-bitten bunch of pitch consultants and all genuinely needed to understand the international capabilities of each of the networks. So how well did these multi-nationals manage to sell themselves?

Ad agencies are the great story-tellers for their clients. You can get my excusive review of their presentations of their own stories here .

Are you in our Agency Register?

Make sure you are in prime position to be considered in our Client searches – especially if you are London based, where we are regularly picking up briefs.

Register free here

Marketing in the new normal. What’s really changing?

You can hardly turn a page or click a link in the marketing media without reading about the New Normal, the new world post Covid-19. Take it all at face value and you will have spent the last two months tearing up your marketing rule-book, and burning each page one by one. Let’s assume you haven’t actually set fire to the library, what are you going to do instead?

The UK has been as deeply affected by the pandemic as any country in the world. Here is a London-skewed take of the new marketing world faced by businesses in every market. It’s our view that marketing now needs to consider taking a responsible role in the restoration of whole business sectors, where companies need to work together to affect consumer trust and behaviour rather than just addressing brand choice. Read more here .

Want a confidential discussion about your marketing challenges in the UK?

Just reply to this email or connect with me here

Managing Marketing podcasts

TrinityP3 produces some of the best content on marketing that you’ll find anywhere in the world. Amongst the huge resource available on the website, I particularly enjoy the regular podcasts that TrinityP3’s Global CEO Darren Woolley records with industry thought-leaders on his travels around the world.

If you haven’t yet discovered them, you really should – they have converted me to the world of podcasts and Darren is an excellent host and interviewer. Each 30 minute podcast is accompanied by a full transcription, so if reading is your preference that’s also available.

To introduce you to the Managing Marketing podcasts, I have 10 copies of Darren’s latest book “Conversations on Managing Marketing” available to give away to the first requesters (UK business addresses only please!). The book features the top 10 most-requested podcasts from last year in transcription format, and includes contributions from Mark Ritson on the importance of mastering marketing principles, Nick Law on creativity in a digital age and Scott Hagedorn on dealing with the increasing complexity of the media market.

For a spoken podcast, why not take a listen to Darren talking with me last year about a subject close to my heart – brands and corporate purpose. My belief is that marketing has an important role for businesses and brands in helping them to act with ethical purpose, beyond the delivery of shareholder value.

Do you agree? Take a listen here .

TrinityP3 In The Media This Month