
Global Marketing Management Update

4 August 2021

Welcome to the August edition of TrinityP3’s e-news

This week we look at the complexity of the new media and marketing landscape and the increased pressure and demands this places on the role of the Media Agency.

Media Agencies can now be required to craft intricate strategies for complex customer audiences, develop and manage dynamic automated trading models, work with data-driven modelling, deliver content creation and manage integration with other marketing service suppliers beyond the area of Paid in the Owned, Earned and Shared (POES) environments.

David Angell has a conversation with John Vlasakakis, the Co-Founder and Head of SEO at Next & Co on the issues facing media agencies and their advertisers in our Managing Marketing podcast.

We share a case study on how advertisers can avoid the disruption of a media agency pitch and still provide the commercial metrics to satisfy procurement and finance and discover ways to drive greater media value.

Plus, we launch a weekly video program called Media Minutes, where Stephen Wright and Darren Woolley explore and share insights on the media issue of the week.

Hope you enjoy.

The Cookie Apocalype, Media Wastage and Independent Agencies

TrinityP3’s David Angell sits down and talks with John Vlasakakis, the Co-Founder and Head of SEO at Next & Co, a pioneering digital performance marketing agency based out of Melbourne.

John talks about the value of specialist independent agencies, the huge and complex challenges facing the digital marketing industry, the question of whether or not Google’s delay to FLoC is ‘kicking the can down the road’, and the role we can all play to improve a multi-billion-dollar industry, not just for the big advertisers but for the smaller players.

Listen or read the interview here .

Or check out all of the TrinityP3 Managing Marketing podcasts here .

The Definitive Guide to Agency Selection

A must read for marketers, agencies and procurement. It is free and

available for download here

How to review your media agency without a disruptive pitch

In our role as completely independent marketing management consultants, we bring a holistic view to the veracity of the current relationship and performance of an agency partner. We benchmark and balance all of the factors that provide a platform for performance potential and delivery.

The assessment examines structure and processes for efficiency, resourcing and remuneration for value, media planning and buying delivery for value and performance and assesses the contract to ensure it delivers relevant protections for both parties.

Regardless of the state of the relationship, there is always room for improvement and additional value to be derived from an external review. TrinityP3 has market-wide perspective, working with different agency groups across multiple categories, that allows for fresh thinking and innovative approaches. Read a case study on how we helped a financial services client here .

Conversations On Media – Get the book

The latest “Conversations” book has just been published.

Get your copy here

Get the lowdown on the media issues each week with Media Minutes

Paid media and media advertising are an increasingly complex ecosystem. Here you can find a frank, straight forward perspective on the issues impacting media planning and buying.

Presented by TrinityP3 CEO, Darren Woolley and Head of Global Media, Stephen Wright, these are the minutes you need to invest into better understanding the state of the media industry from advertiser to media owner and back.

Don’t miss a single episode. Either subscribe to the TrinityP3 YouTube Channel here or stay tuned here .

What’s Hot

Here are the most read, most shared and most commented on articles from the TrinityP3 blog in the past month: