
Global Marketing Management Update

5 February 2020

Welcome to the February edition of TrinityP3’s e-news

This year is looking like it will be a pitchpalooza with many brands going to market already in 2020 and it is not even half-way through the first quarter of the calendar year. So what are you doing? Marketers, are you prepared either to take your agencies to pitch or to weather the storm as your agencies chase all this new business? And agencies – are you in pitch shape to maximise the benefits of these new business opportunities while ensuring you maintain the relationships with your existing clients?

Marketers, not all agency pitches will give you the result you need

I recently had a conversation with a CMO who had just completed an agency pitch with a pitch consultant. Not a TrinityP3 pitch consultant, but one of our many and growing competitors. It was interesting because he was not completely satisfied with the process or more importantly the outcome.

So what was the issue?

All I can say is it proves you get what you pay for, but I will let you judge that for yourself.


Get your details up to date on the Agency Register

The Agency Register is free and confidential and allows us to keep up to date with your agency.

Read more here

How can agencies tell their agency story better?

Over the past two decades we have seen more than a thousand agency credentials presentations, either in reviewing an agency or as part of the pitch process. We are often asked to help agencies refine and sharpen their agency story. You would think that advising a company that is tasked with developing their client’s brand story would be redundant. But for some reason, very few advertising agencies appear to know how to tell their own story.


Book a credentials consultation today

TrinityP3 consultants see hundreds of credentials pitches from agencies each year. Make sure your credentials pitch and agency story are market fit.

Book yours here

Perhaps it is time to consider ditching the pitch

Clients and Agencies: Don’t go there! Putting a relationship in review at the end of a contract is bad business for both parties. It is not “good governance.” It does not improve quality. It only reduces fees and generates false expectations. There’s a better way to be commercially responsible.


What’s hot

Here are the most read, most shared and most commented on articles from the TrinityP3 blog in the past month: