Christopher Sewell

Christopher Sewell

Business Director

Christopher learnt the marketing communication trade from the ground floor up in London before migrating to Sydney in the 80’s.

His work at Saatchi’s lead to a transfer to Hong Kong for three years where Christopher has helped set up the first China office and worked and organized most of the regional Asian centres. Returning to Sydney he was managing director of a Saatchi off-shoot before moving to Brisbane to be creative director. Stints at other agencies in all Eastern States covered the breath of media disciplines and included developing accounting and traffic software including training and implementation.

Christopher also worked for five years with the print procurement area of the Commonwealth Bank leading projects such as mail house and print evaluation and supplier selection as well as numerous software solutions and installs. He has a wide ranging knowledge of all areas of the advertising and procurement world with a practical business focus. He is also an environmental pragmatist. Christopher brings TrinityP3 a strategic, as well as a practical knowledge to the entire operational assessment area of marketing communications.

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Managing Marketing: The Challenges Of Innovating Within The Traditions Of A 150 Year Old Brand

A year can be a long time in marketing. Technology, data, media channels and more are driving relentless change. But imagine if you take on the responsibility of managing a much-loved brand that has existed for 150 years. What would be the challenges and issues you would be dealing with ...