Supplier & Roster Management

Supplier & Roster

The relationships between marketing
teams and their suppliers.

Choosing the right path with your agencies always requires consideration.

The relationships between marketing teams and their suppliers – agencies – are often critical to success.

As marketing has evolved, so too have agencies, providing myriad services. The agency landscape is cluttered, competitive and in some places, opaque. IBISWorld reports there is more than 421,600 advertising agency businesses globally.

Choosing the right path with your agencies always requires consideration, because without strong, clear, and balanced agency relationships, marketing teams can waste millions of dollars in muddy scopes, inefficient processes, ineffective communication, and sub-standard outputs. All of which has consequences for marketing performance and commercial outcomes.

Our Marketing Supplier Practice has been advising clients about their agencies for more than 20 years. Whether it’s selecting the right agencies, renewing existing contracts, performance assessment, relationship management, fees or commercial terms and conditions benchmarking, we’ve seen it all and as a result, our capability in this area is second to none.

The areas in our Marketing Supplier Practice are listed below. We can tailor a project for you that covers one or more of these areas, depending on your requirements.

Agency Selection

Finding the optimal agency partners for your current and
future needs.

Agency Roster

Ensuring that your current agency roster, including in-house resources, is efficient, effective, and set to deliver value.

Agency Commercial

In depth financial benchmarking of your current agency fee structures, resources, and deliverables, alongside a range of other advisory services pertaining to your agency commercial arrangements.

High Preforming Teams Roster

Assessment and improvement of your current agency and in-house operations and relationships.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Contact us directly.

Customer satisfaction is the goal with every project. Below are just some of the things clients have had to say about working with TrinityP3. Click here to read more Client Testimonials. And because positive client and agency relationships are integral to what we do, make sure you also read our Agency Testimonials.

Case Study

Pitch process

How TrinityP3 helps measure the performance of marketing – Three case studies

After more than 15 years of downward pressure on marketing costs, the majority of traditional businesses are struggling to deliver growth and yet marketing provides one of the most successful drivers of business growth and performance when properly invested and measured against performance. The problem is that in many organisations marketing is treated as a cost of business with little or no focus on the return on that marketing investment. No wonder the strategy of cost cutting to profit has had such a major impact on marketing and subsequently the marketing agencies and suppliers ...

Our Latest Podcast

Managing Marketing: The Anatomy Of Marketing

Managing Marketing: The Anatomy Of Marketing

Kieran Antill is the Director of Brand and Marketing at Ne-Lo, and Ross Hastings is the Managing Director. Their agency, Ne-Lo, has its foundation in a gym of all places, where two people with wildly different backgrounds and perspectives, yet with a shared fascination with the challenges of modern business, ...