Knowledge Centre – The Blog

Knowledge Centre – The Blog

Collection of the important insights, trends and issues we have encountered in our work with our clients.

Unlike a blog, this is not a collection of musings or things that caught our attention today.

Instead, it is a collection of the important insights, trends and issues we have encountered in our work with our clients and the solutions we have developed.

This why we call it our Knowledge Centre. It is where we share the collective knowledge of TrinityP3. We add to this regularly. We update it when and where needed. We recommend bookmarking this page and be sure to visit regularly when looking for inspiration, insight and knowledge on the world of marketing management.

Our Latest Articles

Why the Media Pitch trading exercise template needs to go

Why the Media Pitch trading exercise template needs to go

The MFA and AANA pitching guidelines advocate using a trading exercise template. A glorified Excel for completion by agencies asking for rates, discounts, and CPMs across various media currently used. For larger domestic and global agency reviews, these can be ...
Overcoming Obstacles to Agency Value-Based Pricing Fees

Overcoming Obstacles to Agency Value-Based Pricing Fees

The past 18 months or so have seen more advertisers and agencies looking to move away from “traditional” FTE/resource/cost-recovery-based pricing models to something more sustainable. The rise of generative AI threatens to eat into labour-based income streams for agencies, and ...
Why Value Trumps Cost in Agency Remuneration Fees

Why Value Trumps Cost in Agency Remuneration Fees

My grandfather was a frugal man, borne no doubt from living through the Great Depression, then going to war and returning to a country wracked with post-war austerity. But he wasn’t cheap: he would happily open his wallet and pay ...

Most Popular Articles

What is the definition of Marketing?

What is the definition of Marketing?

I was the guest lecturer for the EMBA course at the Sydney Business School, University of Wollongong for several years. The topic title was marketing today, and I was interested to know how this group of business executives and tomorrow’s ...
The Top 10 Ethical Issues for Marketers in 2024

The Top 10 Ethical Issues for Marketers in 2024

Stay ahead of the curve in ethical marketing practice with this comprehensive guide from TrinityP3 to the top ethical issues facing the industry and how to navigate them with integrity. What is ethical marketing and why does it matter? Here ...
Agency selection criteria – seven things to consider when choosing an advertising agency

Agency selection criteria – seven things to consider when choosing an advertising agency

Choosing a new advertising agency, be that creative, media, digital, experiential, shopper, pr or any one of the many other types of service providers is not something to be taken lightly. The cost and time involved and the impact on ...
The difference Between Scope of Work (SoW) and Scope of Services (SoS), and why that matters

The difference Between Scope of Work (SoW) and Scope of Services (SoS), and why that matters

We have talked and written many times about the importance of the scope of work in regard to setting or benchmarking agency remuneration based on productivity and not simply the cost of resources. But there is often confusion in regard ...
What are the biggest issues facing the media industry?

What are the biggest issues facing the media industry?

This post was updated on October 24, 2018 to reflect the industry changes that have occurred since. Later in the year of this post, the topic of media transparency became a major issue following the revelations from MediaCom in Australia ...
Top ways to make agencies more effective in presenting their credentials

Top ways to make agencies more effective in presenting their credentials

For the past 20 years, I have literally sat through more than a thousand agency credentials presentations. Some were part of a pitch or tender credentials presentation, and others were when I was engaged in providing feedback to help agencies ...

Browse all our insights

Industrial, Logistics and Commercial Property Asset Manager Digital Transformation

Industrial, Logistics and Commercial Property Asset Manager Digital Transformation

Challenging problem A leading, global real asset management group reached out via its Australian entity. To identify the most suitable, scalable digital platform to deliver its requirements and look for a long-term digital agency partner to speed up website development ...
Making Agency Credentials Compelling

Growing Wings on Your Unicorn – Making Agency Credentials Compelling

Credentials – either written long-form, delivered in ‘chemistry sessions’ or both. They’re often maligned, just as often misunderstood by both agencies and their potential clients, running a pitch. We do a lot of work with pitches, and increasingly, a lot ...
The Final Scores – The Essentials of Agency Pitch Scorecards

The Final Scores – The Essentials of Agency Pitch Scorecards

In agency pitching, proper evaluation is important. The services you’re procuring are complex. Not everything you’re buying directly quantifiable as units – in fact, much of it is not at all quantifiable. There are multiple candidates to keep track of ...
Why marketers will continue to use a pitch to select agencies

Why marketers will continue to use a pitch to select agencies

The headlines scream “The pitch is broken”. But in fact, the pitch is alive and well and has never been more popular. And that is perhaps the real problem here. If we define the pitch process as ‘to assess, competitively, ...
Tails wagging dogs: when process eats away at culture

Tails wagging dogs: when process eats away at culture

Peter Drucker tells us ‘culture eats strategy for breakfast’. In our experience, that’s a near hard-and-fast organisational rule.. But when we assess the current state of any marketing organisation, which is the first stage of most of our engagements, we ...
Agency Client Chemistry Meetings - the Seven Deadly Sins to avoid and seven deadly words you never want to hear at them

Agency Client Chemistry Meetings – the Seven Deadly Sins to avoid and seven deadly words you never want to hear at them

TrinityP3 UK is a founder signatory of the Pitch Positive Pledge launched jointly by the IPA and ISBA in May 2022. We are strong supporters of the Pledge’s objective to reduce the negative effects of the traditional pitch process on ...
When is an agency pitch, not an agency pitch?

When is an agency pitch, not an agency pitch?

Advertising is one of the most visible communication professions. And language is an important component of communication. Yet, as an industry, the liberal application of language communicates all kinds of misconceptions. Now, before you accuse me of being a language ...
The limitations of input cost over output and outcome value for advertising agencies

The limitations of input cost over output and outcome value for advertising agencies

Talking with a media agency today, they were sharing the struggle they had with a client getting a fair fee. They won a pitch based on their excellent credentials in creating econometric models for their clients to inform media mix ...
A Marketing Recession Playbook: The Operations Edit

A Marketing Recession Playbook: The Operations Edit

Mark Ritson’s recently published ‘Recession Playbook’  was a typically no-nonsense ‘don’t lose your collective heads’ message to marketers and their organisational overlords. A summation of Ritson’s message is ‘rely on advertising and marketing theory and past experience; resist the urge ...
What does financial and rate benchmarking mean at TrinityP3?

What does financial and rate benchmarking mean at TrinityP3?

Benchmark. It’s a term we use a lot at TrinityP3, and the concept underpins much of the work we do and the recommendations we report to our clients. But it’s also a term – the word and its application – ...
Unintended messages in client-agency relationships

Unintended messages in client-agency relationships

With his third law, Isaac Newton told us that ‘for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction’. Much later, Edward A Murphy famously observed that ‘if there are two or more ways to do something and one of ...
5 steps to overcome internal marketing team non-alignment

5 steps to overcome internal marketing team non-alignment

One of the greatest challenges in marketing today is how to align internal teams, approaches, and performance measures. The complexity of channels, the ongoing digitisation of society in a Covid-impacted world, global uncertainty impacting business confidence, and the need to ...

To contact us about how we can work with you, or to discuss a specific tailored project.

Our Latest Podcast:

Managing Marketing: The Anatomy Of Marketing

Managing Marketing: The Anatomy Of Marketing

Kieran Antill is the Director of Brand and Marketing at Ne-Lo, and Ross Hastings is the Managing Director. Their agency, Ne-Lo, has its foundation in a gym of all places, where two people with wildly different backgrounds and perspectives, yet with a shared fascination with the challenges of modern business, ...