Knowledge Centre – The Blog

Knowledge Centre – The Blog

Collection of the important insights, trends and issues we have encountered in our work with our clients.

Unlike a blog, this is not a collection of musings or things that caught our attention today.

Instead, it is a collection of the important insights, trends and issues we have encountered in our work with our clients and the solutions we have developed.

This why we call it our Knowledge Centre. It is where we share the collective knowledge of TrinityP3. We add to this regularly. We update it when and where needed. We recommend bookmarking this page and be sure to visit regularly when looking for inspiration, insight and knowledge on the world of marketing management.

agency rosters

How TrinityP3 is helping marketers restructure their marketing for the future – Three case studies

The market is changing and becoming ever more complex, and therefore business and marketing strategies are changing to meet the challenge. But while strategies change, often marketing structure remains largely the same. At best, companies will make capability additions where ...
Losing pitches, part 2: a further 7 ‘less obvious’ reasons why agencies lose pitches

Losing pitches, part 2: a further 7 ‘less obvious’ reasons why agencies lose pitches

I recently wrote an article about some of the less obvious reasons that an agency, after all the hard work involved, can end up losing a pitch. Well. After thousands of reads, shares and a number of comments (most of ...
How many agencies is too many when it comes to roster size?

How many agencies is too many when it comes to roster size?

This is the fourth in a series of one minute videos that address one of the many complex challenges facing marketing, media and advertising today. The Golden Minute series is an attempt to prove Albert Einstein right when he said "The definition of genius ...
Struggling with your strategy? Try the Costanza Maneuver

Struggling with your strategy? Try the Costanza Maneuver

This is the third in a series of one minute videos that address one of the many complex challenges facing marketing, media and advertising today. The Golden Minute series is an attempt to prove Albert Einstein right when he said "The definition ...
Do you remunerate or compensate your agency?

Do you remunerate or compensate your agency?

This is the second in a series of one-minute videos that address the many complex challenges facing marketing, media and advertising today. The Golden Minute series is an attempt to prove Albert Einstein right when he said "The definition of ...
When is the right time to apply the Golden Rule in marketing?

When is the right time to apply the Golden Rule in marketing?

This is the first in a series of one minute videos that address one of the many complex challenges facing marketing, media and advertising today. The Golden Minute series is an attempt to prove Albert Einstein right when he said "The ...
Is there nothing fair or reasonable about agency remuneration?

Is there nothing fair or reasonable about agency remuneration?

During more than 15 years of agency benchmarking and negotiations two words I have often heard repeated in these discussions is fair and reasonable. Marketers, procurement and agencies all agree that the remuneration model should be fair and reasonable. It ...
Marketing challenges

What are the biggest challenges facing marketing today?

You can share and discuss your biggest marketing challenges here. Back in February this year we had our twice yearly get together in Sydney with all the TrinityP3 consultants from around the world, including Michael Farmer, our new Executive Chairman and ...
What is going on with advertising creative awards?

What is going on with advertising creative awards?

The announcement last week by the CEO of Publicis Groupe, Arthur Sadoun, that the holding company would be taking a year out from Award Shows and other industry marketing events has had the impact I am sure he was hoping ...
Marketing independence is under attack but does anyone care?

Marketing independence is under attack but does anyone care?

Surprise, surprise. When you meet with a technology vendor, the conversation invariably leads to “needing” their solution. Even though you discuss alternative business opportunities that require solving prior to any technology implementation. Surprise, surprise. You appoint one of the big ...
Agency brief types

How many brief types does an advertiser need to brief their agency?

I have noticed recently there have been a number of consultants and industry commentators again talking about the perennial problem of briefing. Quite rightly too, because in the endless search for advertising effectiveness, the process starts with the brief. Joe ...
Addressing the ‘alternative facts’ of advertising production

Addressing the ‘alternative facts’ of advertising production

Living in a post truth world full of alternative facts and fake news may seem like a recent occurrence to some. But a real fact is that in advertising broadcast production there have been alternative facts for many years that ...

To contact us about how we can work with you, or to discuss a specific tailored project.

Our Latest Podcast:

Managing Marketing: The Ethics And Challenges Of Zero Net Marketing

Managing Marketing: The Ethics And Challenges Of Zero Net Marketing

James Greet is a long-time creative media leader and the co-founder of The Payback Project Australia, a specialist advisory firm that works with Marketers, Agencies, and Media owners to help them plan a path to net zero by reducing and eliminating carbon emissions related to content creation and media activities ...