Case Studies

Case Studies

Real-world Case Studies that
Illuminate the Path to Success.

Here are key case studies from the hundreds of projects globally.

As our stated purpose is to improve the marketing performance and productivity of every marketing organisation that works with us, we would be remiss not to provide case studies of the results with have achieved.

Because we value our clients’ confidential and commercially sensitive arrangements, we have needed to anonymise these. But we believe they demonstrate the way we work, and the results we get prove the point.

Using a strategic tool for better client agency relationships

Using a strategic tool for better client agency relationships

The Situation: The Evalu8ing client had just entered into several new agency relationships including a new lead creative agency and a new media agency. They felt that communication, collaboration and project management between all teams, ...
Achieve internal alignment through agency search & selection

Achieve internal alignment through agency search & selection

Client Category – NGO - Agency Search & Selection Challenging Problem: Given the structure and nature of the business the biggest problem was a level of service to the business across the various state-based offices and ever ...
Why a brand marketer engaged TrinityP3 for a CRM assessment

Why a brand marketer engaged TrinityP3 for a CRM assessment

Client Category – Consumer Goods - Customer Relationship Management Challenging problem: An Australian Brand Marketing Manager was questioning the value of a CRM strategy as recommended by an external specialist agency. The challenge was how ...
Dual approach to improved agency roster performance

Dual approach to improved agency roster performance

Client Category – Financial Services – Agency Roster Performance Challenging Problem: The client had launched a new campaign and felt that the agencies across the roster were under-performing, compromising the brand strategy and potentially the ...
Search and selection to solve local issues for global advertisers

Search and selection to solve local issues for global advertisers

Client Category – Consumer Goods – Agency Search & Selection Challenging Problem: The Global Advertiser has a globally aligned advertising network in this regional market. However the global deal left the local agency short in ...
Financial Services – creative agency search and selection

Financial Services – creative agency search and selection

Client Category – Financial Services – Agency Search and Selection Challenging Problem: The client had been using creative agencies on an ad hoc basis with no retainers in place. Whilst this had worked satisfactorily to date, ...
Global agency benchmarking and negotiation

Global agency benchmarking and negotiation

Client Category – Global Travel – Agency Remuneration Benchmarking Challenging Problem: This global travel client was in the process of moving from a global strategy, executed independently in each of their markets, to a more ...
Automotive sport sponsorship assessment - Case study

Automotive sport sponsorship assessment – Case study

Client Category: – Automotive – Sport Sponsorship Challenging Problem: The client was re-negotiating a major National sport sponsorship and was seeking an independent, industry-based assessment of the package, partnership extension and overall value. Creative Solution: ...
Financial Services ecommerce website review

Financial Services ecommerce website review

Client Category: – Financial Services Challenging Problem: The client was launching a new e-commerce website for a direct to customer model in the insurance industry. TrinityP3 was approached to assess 2 stages out of an ...
Public education campaign requiring agency alignment

Public education campaign requiring agency alignment

Client Category: – Public Education Challenging Problem: The client team had run an integrated creative pitch that ended up with a split decision – the lead creative idea from one agency had researched powerfully, yet ...
Media publisher digital management assessment

Media publisher digital management assessment

Client Category: – Media Publisher Challenging Problem: The client was concerned about the effectiveness of current digital resources both internally and externally to their business - including digital content and channel planning, SEO, social media, ...
Automotive agency roster alignment - Case study

Automotive agency roster alignment – Case study

Client Category: – Automotive Challenging Problem: The client’s roster of agencies had reached twenty-strong, with no discernible operating model and with each agency competing with the others for budget and influence. The marketing team was ...
QSR marketing campaign assessment

QSR marketing campaign assessment

Client Category: – Quick Service Restaurants (QSR) Challenging Problem: The client was launching a national game promotion to help drive incremental retail sales. TrinityP3 was approached to assess all aspects of the promotion from project ...
How production assessments can add value to television advertising costs – Two case studies

How production assessments can add value to television advertising costs – Two case studies

Since 2000 we have been providing our clients with an advertising production cost assessment, cost estimates and management services. It is often a part of our business not popular with many of the agencies (as ...
Mistakes advertisers make with their TV advertising productions - Three case studies

Mistakes advertisers make with their TV advertising productions – Three case studies

In the 12 years we have been assessing and reviewing television productions there have emerged three common ways advertisers drive up the cost of their television productions. Unfortunately, in almost every case, the advertisers concerned ...
Agency Remuneration Negotiation

Agency Remuneration Negotiation

Client Category: – Beverage Company Challenging Problem: The client had a process of annual negotiations where the agencies would respond to a scope of work with a proposal of resources and costs. But a recent ...
Marketing structural & process mapping & optimisation in Government

Marketing structural & process mapping & optimisation in Government

Service Category: A high profile Local Government Operational Challenge: A fragmented and weak Marketing Services function was unable to: a) efficiently service the needs of various business units or b) effectively synergise Council wide strategic ...
Re-drafting the actor’s / talent agreement / contract

Re-drafting the actor’s / talent agreement / contract

Issue: Government Department responsible for developing community communications campaigns to improve health and decrease illness is increasingly exporting campaigns into overseas markets. Challenging Problem: The advertising agency, casting agents and talent agents are using the ...

If you’d like to talk to us more about any of these case studies or
any areas of our consultancy practice, contact us.

Our Latest Podcast:

Managing Marketing: The Anatomy Of Marketing

Managing Marketing: The Anatomy Of Marketing

Kieran Antill is the Director of Brand and Marketing at Ne-Lo, and Ross Hastings is the Managing Director. Their agency, Ne-Lo, has its foundation in a gym of all places, where two people with wildly different backgrounds and perspectives, yet with a shared fascination with the challenges of modern business, ...