Knowledge Centre – The Blog

Knowledge Centre – The Blog

Collection of the important insights, trends and issues we have encountered in our work with our clients.

Unlike a blog, this is not a collection of musings or things that caught our attention today.

Instead, it is a collection of the important insights, trends and issues we have encountered in our work with our clients and the solutions we have developed.

This why we call it our Knowledge Centre. It is where we share the collective knowledge of TrinityP3. We add to this regularly. We update it when and where needed. We recommend bookmarking this page and be sure to visit regularly when looking for inspiration, insight and knowledge on the world of marketing management.

Negotiating agency fees

Why hourly rates are no measure of value when negotiating agency fees

What represents value when you are looking at agency fees? Often marketers and procurement professionals will look at the agency hourly rates as a measure of value. The lower the rates or the lower average rate per full time equivalent ...
Top ways to make agencies more effective in presenting their credentials

Top ways to make agencies more effective in presenting their credentials

For the past 20 years, I have literally sat through more than a thousand agency credentials presentations. Some were part of a pitch or tender credentials presentation, and others were when I was engaged in providing feedback to help agencies ...
How to create a level playing field in a tender without commoditising the participants

How to create a level playing field in a tender without commoditising the participants

There is a procurement practice to create a ‘level playing field’ during a tender process that says all information should be provided to all tender participants. While this seems like a reasonable practice it can also work against the intention ...
Is your brand strong on the inside as well as on the outside?

Is your brand strong on the inside as well as on the outside?

So you’ve developed and established the brand’s positioning that delivers differentiation versus competitors and resonates effectively with the target market. ‘Job done’ you might say, now you just need to keep the brand fresh and relevant as time goes by ...
What you need to consider when searching for the perfect agency

What you need to consider when searching for the perfect agency

TrinityP3 have a global register of agencies spanning across disciplines from Advertising, PR, and Design right through to direct, digital, social, and media. It has allowed us to work with clients all over the globe in countries as far as ...
How effectively are you managing your digital marketing?

How effectively are you managing your digital marketing?

Digital marketing is integral to marketing. In this day and age you cannot have a marketing plan that doesn’t encompass digital. However, digital still often has its shiny new tag on – whether this is because it is still new ...
Why do Agency pitches take so long and does that produce a better outcome?

Why do Agency pitches take so long and does that produce a better outcome?

For marketers, the agency pitch creates a fantastic opportunity to take stock of skills and services needed from an agency (or agencies), as well as to glean expert opinion on the brand’s market situation and creative opportunities to better meet ...
Direct marketing

3 reasons why direct marketing isn’t dead in today’s digital era

Lester Wunderman (RIP) said, “I am absolutely convinced that the future of our industry lies with the large, highly competitive manufacturing companies, which must increasingly bring their selling and marketing influence closer to the consumer.” Mr Wunderman passed away on ...
Marketing and Business Transformation - How involved should marketers be?

Marketing and Business Transformation – How involved should marketers be?

For most marketers business transformation seems to be either a matter of inconvenience or something they fear because the change will mean a further round of budget cuts! This is understandable, to some extent, as the steps that have probably ...
Is your media agency an integral part of the creative process?

Is your media agency an integral part of the creative process?

Despite being the largest expenditure item in most marketing budgets, media continues to be given less attention than it deserves. Traditional format creative and media presentations are still common, with creative presented as hero and media being tagged on at ...
tv production budget

What could be the cost of reducing your television production budget?

There is incredible pressure on marketers to reduce their budgets, while increasingly taking responsibility for delivering growth. This is passed on to their agencies to come up with bigger and better ideas on smaller budgets. And finally production companies are ...
Going beyond words with Media Agency Transparency

Going beyond words with Media Agency Transparency

This is the next in a series of one-minute videos that address one of the many complex challenges facing marketing, media and advertising today. The Golden Minute series is an attempt to prove Albert Einstein right when he said “The definition of genius ...

To contact us about how we can work with you, or to discuss a specific tailored project.

Our Latest Podcast:

Managing Marketing: The Ethics And Challenges Of Zero Net Marketing

Managing Marketing: The Ethics And Challenges Of Zero Net Marketing

James Greet is a long-time creative media leader and the co-founder of The Payback Project Australia, a specialist advisory firm that works with Marketers, Agencies, and Media owners to help them plan a path to net zero by reducing and eliminating carbon emissions related to content creation and media activities ...