Knowledge Centre – The Blog

Knowledge Centre – The Blog

Collection of the important insights, trends and issues we have encountered in our work with our clients.

Unlike a blog, this is not a collection of musings or things that caught our attention today.

Instead, it is a collection of the important insights, trends and issues we have encountered in our work with our clients and the solutions we have developed.

This why we call it our Knowledge Centre. It is where we share the collective knowledge of TrinityP3. We add to this regularly. We update it when and where needed. We recommend bookmarking this page and be sure to visit regularly when looking for inspiration, insight and knowledge on the world of marketing management.

Our Latest Articles

Why the Media Pitch trading exercise template needs to go

Why the Media Pitch trading exercise template needs to go

The MFA and AANA pitching guidelines advocate using a trading exercise template. A glorified Excel for completion by agencies asking for rates, discounts, and CPMs across various media currently used. For larger domestic and global agency reviews, these can be ...
Overcoming Obstacles to Agency Value-Based Pricing Fees

Overcoming Obstacles to Agency Value-Based Pricing Fees

The past 18 months or so have seen more advertisers and agencies looking to move away from “traditional” FTE/resource/cost-recovery-based pricing models to something more sustainable. The rise of generative AI threatens to eat into labour-based income streams for agencies, and ...
Why Value Trumps Cost in Agency Remuneration Fees

Why Value Trumps Cost in Agency Remuneration Fees

My grandfather was a frugal man, borne no doubt from living through the Great Depression, then going to war and returning to a country wracked with post-war austerity. But he wasn’t cheap: he would happily open his wallet and pay ...

Most Popular Articles

What is the definition of Marketing?

What is the definition of Marketing?

I was the guest lecturer for the EMBA course at the Sydney Business School, University of Wollongong for several years. The topic title was marketing today, and I was interested to know how this group of business executives and tomorrow’s ...
The Top 10 Ethical Issues for Marketers in 2024

The Top 10 Ethical Issues for Marketers in 2024

Stay ahead of the curve in ethical marketing practice with this comprehensive guide from TrinityP3 to the top ethical issues facing the industry and how to navigate them with integrity. What is ethical marketing and why does it matter? Here ...
Agency selection criteria – seven things to consider when choosing an advertising agency

Agency selection criteria – seven things to consider when choosing an advertising agency

Choosing a new advertising agency, be that creative, media, digital, experiential, shopper, pr or any one of the many other types of service providers is not something to be taken lightly. The cost and time involved and the impact on ...
The difference Between Scope of Work (SoW) and Scope of Services (SoS), and why that matters

The difference Between Scope of Work (SoW) and Scope of Services (SoS), and why that matters

We have talked and written many times about the importance of the scope of work in regard to setting or benchmarking agency remuneration based on productivity and not simply the cost of resources. But there is often confusion in regard ...
What are the biggest issues facing the media industry?

What are the biggest issues facing the media industry?

This post was updated on October 24, 2018 to reflect the industry changes that have occurred since. Later in the year of this post, the topic of media transparency became a major issue following the revelations from MediaCom in Australia ...
Top ways to make agencies more effective in presenting their credentials

Top ways to make agencies more effective in presenting their credentials

For the past 20 years, I have literally sat through more than a thousand agency credentials presentations. Some were part of a pitch or tender credentials presentation, and others were when I was engaged in providing feedback to help agencies ...

Browse all our insights


Marc Prichard, the low creative ratio at your agencies is not their fault, it’s yours

Okay, perhaps not yours Marc, but when you recently stated that you would like three quarters of your agencies to be creative, it made me reflect on the literally hundreds of agency remuneration deals we have benchmarked, negotiated and managed over ...
Ageism in advertising

Ageism in advertising is as much a cost issue as a perception one

Louis Loizou, a Freelance creative Director in the UK recently shared on LinkedIn his thoughts “I’m not 54. I’m 22 with 32 years experience”.  It is a passionate and considered argument for why older advertising creative professionals have not passed ...
marketing agency

The challenges in measuring the value your agencies contribute to your marketing

How do you calculate or assess the value of your marketing spend? In the past three years we have had a large number of projects designed to achieve just that – a fact based assessment of the value of the ...
Casting George Clooney or Brad Pitt for your next television commercial? What a dilemma!

Casting George Clooney or Brad Pitt for your next television commercial? What a dilemma!

Of course, as a marketer it would be very rare that you would ever have to make this decision. The agency or the director makes most of the casting decisions for a television commercial. You, the marketer will have to ...
agency rosters

How Financial Services is approaching agency rosters and remuneration – Three case studies

Financial Services is particularly competitive. Already there are a plethora of brands across the category and there is now significant disruption caused by FinTech start-ups, plus increased competition and fragmentation of the category. The market leaders are focused on innovating ...
Is it time marketers rethink agency competitive conflicts of interest?

Is it time marketers rethink agency competitive conflicts of interest?

When selecting a new agency, a major and complex issue for marketers is the concern over conflict of interest. That is, not wanting to select an agency that already has a client that is a competitor. But what constitutes a ...
7 ways you might be demotivating your existing agencies

7 ways you might be demotivating your existing agencies

All marketing teams - naturally - want enthusiastic, committed and motivated agencies working alongside them to improve their business performance. In attempting to get to that ideal end-state, however, marketing teams can underestimate - or miss completely - the effects ...
resilient marketing teams

Why you need to build resilient marketing teams and not just agile ones?

Imagine the industry you work in is impacted by changes so seismic that it fundamentally shifts how your business could or should operate. How would your business survive? How would your marketing team cope? Would they? This exact situation has ...
Why measuring media value is more important than media cost

Why measuring media value is more important than media cost

This is the next in a series of one-minute videos that address one of the many complex challenges facing marketing, media and advertising today. The Golden Minute series attempts to prove Albert Einstein right when he said, “The definition of genius ...
agency engagement agreements

When is the right time to set an Engagement Agreement? – Three case studies

Engagement Agreements are an effective way of defining the ways of working between advertisers and their agencies. One of the best times to undertake the process of defining the relationship and the expectations of both parties is at the beginning ...
social media advertising

Something about Facebook all marketers who care about the environment need to know

Recently we were privileged to have a research project accepted and undertaken by the University of Sydney under their Post Graduate Masters of Sustainability Program. TrinityP3 has been advocating a pivot to a more sustainable approach to marketing and also ...
tvc director

Spielberg or Ridley Scott, who is the right director for your TVC?

If you had the budget which director would you choose? and why? Most advertisers leave the selection of a TVC director up to the agency. And rightly so, it is often very difficult to recognise what a director has actually ...

To contact us about how we can work with you, or to discuss a specific tailored project.

Our Latest Podcast:

Managing Marketing: The Anatomy Of Marketing

Managing Marketing: The Anatomy Of Marketing

Kieran Antill is the Director of Brand and Marketing at Ne-Lo, and Ross Hastings is the Managing Director. Their agency, Ne-Lo, has its foundation in a gym of all places, where two people with wildly different backgrounds and perspectives, yet with a shared fascination with the challenges of modern business, ...