Topic: Building Resilience During Difficult Times
Date: Wednesday April 15
Time: 12.00 – 13.00h AEST
Presenter: Kylee Stone & Darren Woolley
Description: In the face of so much uncertainty, how do we keep our businesses thriving while safeguarding our own and others well-being?
If there was ever a time for resilience, it’s now.
This one-hour, online workshop titled ‘Building Resilience During Difficult Times’ is with our resident expert on leadership resilience and wellbeing, Kylee Stone, where you will learn how to develop a resilient mindset and achieve well-being despite difficult times.
Simply put, the more resilient we are, the better we can handle the current situation and support those around us.
In this workshop she:
- Explains the neuroscience of resilience why it’s so important
- Highlights 6 practical strategies
- Explores each strategy in relation to the pandemic
- Gives practical techniques to build resilience
Video Recording
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