How many agencies do you need and how to get there

Topic: How many agencies do you need and how to get there

Date: Wednesday October 7

Time: 13:00 – 14:00 AEST

Presenter: Nathan Hodges

Description: As media channels become more fragmented and more specialised, so do agency rosters and skill sets. For several years now, marketers have been seeking and finding expert help beyond their traditional agency partners. But as a result, a roster of 20, 50 or even 70-plus agencies is not that uncommon these days even on a moderate spend, and managing such a roster presents enormous challenges for any marketing organisation. How do you find out if you have the right number of agencies, and how do you manage them effectively? And if you are a specialist agency on a large roster, or a large agency having to collaborate with a host of new partners, how can you ensure that you’re adding value?

Video Recording:


TrinityP3 Webinar Series: How many agencies do you need and how to get there

Blog post:

How many agencies do you need on your roster and how do you get there?

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