Find Your Perfect Agency Match

… without the hassle but with all the rigor

The client-agency dating scene; it’s not always about a long-term relationship

Sometimes, for a major agency engagement, a large, long term project or a roster re-alignment, a thorough pitch process is essential to ensuring that the right choice is made. The value gained from the exercise is why we’ve been leading successful agency pitches for so long.

But on other occasions, the cost, stress and time involved in a full-blown pitch just doesn’t seem appropriate. For example, when your incumbent agency just can’t crack a project and you need an alternative take – quickly. Or perhaps you’re on the tipping point of giving that project to the agency that has been in your ear, but just want one last look around the shelves.

To pitch, or not to pitch?

The days of the agency of record are fading. With increased specialisation, the plethora of agencies to choose from becomes more complex, especially in the digital and technology space.

As a marketer, we’re pretty sure you get agencies pitching themselves to you all the time. When you need that agency to develop and deliver a project, but don’t have the option to conduct a full pitch, the same basic question remains: how do you select the right one?
It could be to develop that mobile app or solve a media problem your incumbent cannot crack. It could be a social media project or an SEO / SEM strategy that the media agency is struggling with.

Do you ask friends and colleagues? Or give the project to the last agency that told you they could do it?

Can you have your cake, and eat it?

While personal recommendations, or taking what an agency says at face value can work, it’s not necessarily the most rigorous way to go. It therefore represents a potential risk that could cost you dearly.

So; you want rigor, but without the cost and hassle of the full pitch process – the selection equivalent of having your cake and eating it. Can it be done? Yes, it can. Let us help you.

TrinityP3’s Perfect Match – without the pitch

We understand that pitching, in today’s climate, is not always viable. We still want to help deliver you complete confidence that you’ve made the right call. We can, with Perfect Match, provide you access to not just a handful of specialist agencies, but thousands profiled and tested on the TrinityP3 Agency Register.

How does it work?

Once we have a complete understanding of your needs, by completing the briefing form you download below, we use the TrinityP3 Agency Register and the collective knowledge of the TrintiyP3 consulting team to select the perfect agency for your needs and project.
We then introduce you to the agency and you can assess the chemistry and enthusiasm, knowing that we have assessed their capabilities and expertise for the job.

If they are your Perfect Match – great.

If not we will introduce you to another agency to meet with to test the chemistry and fit.
Once you have found your perfect match we also offer the opportunity of having us assess and benchmark the fees for the project to ensure you are getting a market competitive rate.
In this way you get the confidence of a pitch, without the hassle and time of a pitch, and at a fraction of the cost – not just in terms of the fee you pay us, but in terms of broader resource cost across your business.

A simple success formula

In essence, Perfect Match equates to rigour and speed. We’ll aim to have you on the road, with your cake (and your new agency) within as little as two weeks.

Why not give us a call to discuss it. We’ll be in as much of a rush as you are. And who knows – the Perfect Match for your next project could develop into something more permanent.

Download the Perfect Match brief as:

  • PDF: to print out, fill in, scan & email back
  • Word document: to fill in and email back

Contact us for more information or a proposal here

Further reading:

It is difficult searching agency details unless you know where to look

Should your agency be listed in TrinityP3’s Agency Register?

If you would like a more comprehensive market review we can help you

Or if you require a more formal tender or pitch process we can assist