Topic: How to manage agency productivity and performance to drive value
Date: Wednesday December 2
Time: 16.00 AEDT
Presenters: Hosted by Darren Woolley, Global CEO, TrinityP3 with
James Zipeure, Chief Operating Officer and Founder
And Shane Mitchell, Chief Product and Transformation Officer at ExactAI
Description: For more than a decade marketing budgets and therefore agency fees have been under pressure. In fact, both marketers and their agencies are having to create more output, by using more software tools across more marketing channels with less resource. Yet without productivity improvements, reducing costs inevitably leads to lower quality performance and standards.
During the webinar we discuss:
- How current agency fee models stop productivity improvements
- Why technology is both a hinderance and a help to improving performance
- Practical steps – The 7 productivity keys to unlocking marketer potential
- How intelligent automation is changing how organisations think about productivity such as Exact AI
Anyone who is interested in unlocking improved agency value by increasing productivity will get value from viewing this webinar.
Video Recording:
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