How to Pitch – Insights

Pitching is a critical process for any agency seeking new business. Presenting your agency’s services, expertise, and experience to potential clients in the hope of winning their business can be a complex, time-consuming and challenging process that requires careful planning, preparation, and execution.

At TrinityP3, we understand the importance of effective pitching, and we offer a range of resources to help agencies succeed in this endeavour. Our pitching resources include guidance on how to develop a compelling pitch strategy, create a winning pitch deck, and present with impact and confidence. With our expert insights, we can help your agency stand out from the competition and win new business through effective pitching.

You can find more information on agency search and selection management here or explore more details and insights below. We also have created the pitch consultants’ definitive guide to agency selection which you download and read at your leisure.

Why not all agency pitch processes are equal

Why not all agency pitch processes are equal

I recently had a conversation with a CMO who had just completed an agency pitch with a pitch consultant. Not ...
5 myths about pitch management, agency remuneration and relationship management

5 myths about pitch management, agency remuneration and relationship management

When it comes to pitching there are lots of rumours, gossip and a huge amount of bull. So I thought ...
Find an Agency that is your perfect match

How marketers can find an agency that is the perfect match for their next project

For more than a decade TrinityP3 has been collecting information on agencies using our online Agency Register.  It provides TrinityP3 ...
Agency Register

Why is it so hard to find the perfect agency in a pitch?

In a recent discussion on a creative pitch, the procurement team informed me that they needed to go to open ...
Incumbent agency

Should you include your incumbent agency in a pitch?

When reviewing their agencies, many advertisers ask if they should include the incumbent in the pitch process? They usually express ...
Cosmopolitan magazine - Miley Cyrus

This is not Cosmopolitan – Agency size isn’t everything in a pitch

This isn’t the front page of Cosmopolitan. When selecting agency candidates, size – large or small - definitely isn’t everything ...
Business people not on the same page

Top 10 tips for a successful pitch process

Let’s discuss the basics of the pitch process Having worked on a number of pitches over the last 10 months ...
Pitch for the Stars: 5 things to look out for in a great media agency

Pitch for the Stars: 5 things to look out for in a great media agency

Media agencies. They aren’t half polarising. At one end of the opinion spectrum: skilled, trusted and increasingly strategic practitioners, using ...
How to avoid the agency search and selection beauty parade

How to avoid the agency search and selection beauty parade

When selecting a new agency, many advertisers still ask if they are buying a campaign and not a creative partner ...
Why pitching is changing and what to do about it

Why pitching is changing and what to do about it

We’ve written before about the different kinds of pitches. We reckoned there were nine at the last count, and there ...
The inherent danger of the creative beauty parade pitch process

The inherent danger of the creative beauty parade pitch process

Since 2007 we have recommended that advertisers should NOT use the Creative Beauty Parade or the Creative shoot Out (Otherwise ...
The difference between agency confidence and arrogance in a pitch

The difference between agency confidence and arrogance in a pitch

The Chemistry Meeting: A day that agencies and advertisers look forward to with much excitement. For the advertiser this is ...
How to select your ideal agency faster with “A pitch in a day”

How to select your ideal agency faster with “A pitch in a day”

How long does it take to run a pitch to select a new agency? Typically the answer is about 12 ...
Measuring the 4Cs in selecting agencies and managing agency relationships

Measuring the 4Cs in selecting agencies and managing agency relationships

When considering selecting or evaluating a creative supplier, be it a media agency, digital agency, advertising agency or any one ...
Pitch consultants in deep water

6 things every marketer should know about great pitch consulting

Someone once said to me that running a new business pitch was the shallow end of the consulting pool for ...
A more efficient process for selecting the perfect agency

A more efficient process for selecting the perfect agency

Time and again I read about marketers and procurement wasting valuable time and money in their RFP and tender processes ...
Nine kinds of agency pitch process and counting

Nine kinds of agency pitch process and counting

TrinityP3 manages all kinds of agency pitch reviews for clients. In the last year alone we’ve helped clients find agency ...
The five universal principles of successful pitch management

The five universal principles of successful pitch management

Managing pitches is not the main thing we do at TrinityP3. It’s only around 20% in fact. But it’s the ...
Procurement process: get all agencies in for a pitch Q&A?

Procurement process: get all agencies in for a pitch Q&A?

Here is a procurement practice that I will never understand. When managing the tender process at some point they get ...
How to change your media, creative and digital agency all at once

How to change your media, creative and digital agency all at once

Running an agency review is time consuming and disruptive at the best of times. But imagine you want to not ...
How to provide pitch feedback to unsuccessful agencies

How to provide pitch feedback to unsuccessful agencies

One of the things that constantly amazes me is the response I get when presenting pitch feedback to agencies following ...
Get more than just environmental lip service from tender responses

Get more than just environmental lip service from tender responses

Translating corporate environmental strategy into marketing output Gone are the days when telling the world you use recycled paper cuts ...
It is difficult searching agency details unless you know where to look

It is difficult searching agency details unless you know where to look

A marketer was questioning the cost of us providing a market review of agencies suitable for their requirements as they ...
What's all this bull about agency billings? - A misleading measure of agency performance

What’s all this bull about agency billings? – A misleading measure of agency performance

Many people in the media still use media billings to indicate the size of the account or the size of ...
When should an advertiser pay pitch fees when selecting a new advertising agency?

When should an advertiser pay pitch fees when selecting a new advertising agency?

Pitching is never a process that should be entered into lightly. Going to market nearly always comes with significant risk ...
The importance of chemistry meetings in the advertising agency selection process

The importance of chemistry meetings in the advertising agency selection process

The chemistry between the marketing team and the agency is an important factor in the success of the relationship. Therefore, ...
Top 10 considerations when selecting a new media agency

Top 10 considerations when selecting a new media agency

Media continues to be the single biggest investment for most marketers and advertisers, yet the option continues to expand with ...
Top 10 considerations in selecting a new creative agency

Top 10 considerations in selecting a new creative agency

In a world of increased fragmentation and diversification marketers are faced with a decision between specialist and convenience. Traditional creative ...
Open tenders are not the best way to select agencies

Open tenders are not the best way to select agencies

I was recently in a meeting with a marketer and their procurement team discussing a forthcoming agency review. When we ...
How much time does it take to run an agency pitch?

How much time does it take to run an agency pitch?

Last week I took a call from a client who is a marketer at a major advertiser. He was enquiring ...