Media Strategy – Insights

A solid media strategy requires careful planning, research, and analysis to ensure the right message reaches the right audience through the most appropriate channels. It involves understanding consumer behaviour, market trends, and the ever-evolving media landscape, and generally requires expertise in audience segmentation, channel selection, campaign optimization and performance measurement. By developing a comprehensive media strategy, businesses can optimize their advertising investments, enhance brand visibility, and drive meaningful results.

Within this category, you will find resources dedicated to empowering marketers, advertisers, and media professionals in crafting effective media strategies.

You can find more information on how we unlock media value here or explore more details and insights below.

Managing Marketing: Review The Last Decade Of Media And the Next

Managing Marketing: Review The Last Decade Of Media And the Next

Chris Walton, Managing Director of Nunn Media, has a long and successful career in media. Back in November 2013, he ...
Managing Marketing: Media Brawn Versus Media Brains

Managing Marketing: Media Brawn Versus Media Brains

Jason Tonelli is the CEO of Zenith Media in Australia and New Zealand. He believes there is an opportunity for ...
Managing Marketing: Trials, Tribulations & Triumphs in Media

Managing Marketing: Trials, Tribulations & Triumphs in Media

Claire Fenner is the newly appointed CEO of Atomic 212, one of Australia's most established media indies. David and Claire ...
AI driven modelling is both present and future – and media agencies should give up the fight to own it

AI driven modelling is both present and future – and media agencies should give up the fight to own it

A number of years ago, I wrote an article about a new organisation called Blackwood Seven, an AI-driven SaaS media ...
Is your media agency an integral part of the creative process?

Is your media agency an integral part of the creative process?

Despite being the largest expenditure item in most marketing budgets, media continues to be given less attention than it deserves ...
Top 10 tips for improving media strategy (Media Planning) – Infographic

Top 10 tips for improving media strategy (Media Planning) – Infographic

For most CMO’s media is the largest marketing budgetary expense under direct management. Scarily it is often the least understood ...