Behind Our Purpose

At TrinityP3, our purpose is clear. We work to improve the marketing performance and productivity or every organization that engages with us. Our purpose is underpinned by a set of principles designed to define our approach, focus our consultants and optimize our application to any project we undertake.

Read more information on our purpose and principles or explore more details and insights below.

Can brands behave more ethically?

Can brands behave more ethically?

The world of ethical business is a hornets’ nest of acronyms and jargon. ESG; Corporate Purpose; Triple Bottom Lines; Brand ...
Moral Injury

The cost of moral injury due to unethical behavior in modern business

I recently attended The Ethics Alliance Sydney Event on Moral Injury in the Workplace. It was an in-depth look at ...
Top 10 ways to make data drive better marketing results - Infographic

Top 10 ways to make data drive better marketing results – Infographic

There is a lot of talk about data, be it first, second or third party data. But no matter what ...
social media advertising

Something about Facebook all marketers who care about the environment need to know

Recently we were privileged to have a research project accepted and undertaken by the University of Sydney under their Post ...
Client agency behaviour

The ethics of Client / Agency behaviour: What is acceptable and what is not?

At the inaugural Mumbrella Asia 360 earlier this month Julian Barrans, Asia Business director and I curated a session on ...
working to non-working ratio

Why working / non-working ratios no longer work for advertising or marketing

This is the ninth in a series of one-minute videos that address one of the many complex challenges facing marketing, ...
Marketing technology

Marketing Technology and its impact on Media Ethics and Transparency

There is much discussion on Marketing Technology and the impact it has on Media Agency Ethics and Transparency. In this ...
Why working and non-working spend analysis does not work in an AI world

Why working and non-working spend analysis does not work in an AI world

When major brands make public media announcements, they will cut their non-working spending in their marketing budget and increase their ...
What is the definition of Marketing?

What is the definition of Marketing?

I was the guest lecturer for the EMBA course at the Sydney Business School, University of Wollongong for several years ...
Are your agency strategists really salespeople in disguise?

Are your agency strategists really salespeople in disguise?

Have you noticed how there are now strategists almost everywhere you turn in marketing and advertising? Media strategists, Social media ...
The challenges of marketing in a carbon constrained future

The challenges of marketing in a carbon constrained future

Crisis what crisis? As the world leaders and their negotiators assemble in Paris to finalise an agreement to work together ...
Silly olympics - no sense of direction

Your agency brief sucks. And this is why

I have a question. Please be honest with your answer. Hands up, those of you who’ve had this experience when ...
The importance of PURPOSE, PEOPLE and PROCESS in improving marketing PERFORMANCE

The importance of PURPOSE, PEOPLE and PROCESS in improving marketing PERFORMANCE

The P3 in TrinityP3 has always stood for People, Purpose and Process. Helping people achieve commercial purpose through the creative ...
The secret of marketing success in 2015: MIUAYGA

The secret of marketing success in 2015: MIUAYGA

Clients often ask us if we see the same patterns in marketing organisations, processes and structures time after time, project ...
2 ways to increase digital marketing effectiveness and efficiency

2 ways to increase digital marketing effectiveness and efficiency

Over the past ten years we have developed a number of approaches to assist our clients in measuring and managing ...
Why advertising agencies can no longer ignore conflicts of interest

Why advertising agencies can no longer ignore conflicts of interest

Reputational risk is an increasingly high-profile issue for businesses. Increased demands for commercial transparency, corporate due diligence and governance processes ...
Marketing is increasingly about doing less, not more

Marketing is increasingly about doing less, not more

I remember very well October 2008 and the six months following. The global financial crisis had bitten deep and marketing ...
The #1 complex challenge and simple opportunity for business leaders

The #1 complex challenge and simple opportunity for business leaders

I apologise upfront. This post may offend some readers. However if you can be open to self-reflection, and setting yourself ...
Strategies for dealing with the increasing complexity of marketing

Strategies for dealing with the increasing complexity of marketing

Today’s marketer not only has more channel choices than at any other time in history, but the number of channels ...